Are You Chained Down?

Not too long ago I saw a comment on LinkedIn that said, “The worst thing a person can do is leave their career development to the mercy of the employer. I have seen it.”

This made me think of the many ways an individual’s career development may be hindered by an organization, whether intentional or unintentional.

Chained down.

In what ways may your organization chain down your career development?

  • A lack of funding in the training budget. Depending on the circumstances, the training budget may be the first one sliced and diced either limiting or eliminating your chances of attending any training outside of your organization.
  • You and twelve other coworkers may wish to attend a leadership development course, but there are only two slots available. Consequently, you are competing against others from your organization to get into the class. What are your chances?
  • Unfortunately, you may be the person the boss does not like, or you work for someone who does not think you need to attend a course benefiting your career development. After all, they learned it on the job so why can’t you?

Break the chain.

The picture shows one of the anchor chains on board the battleship U.S.S. North Carolina, now a floating museum in Wilmington, North Carolina.

How can you break the chain?

  • Heed the advice from the LinkedIn comment and do not rely on your employer or organization to provide career development.
  • Break away from the chain that is holding you back. This means you must invest in your development which often means a financial investment.
  • Determine to be a high performing employee and not the average Joe Schmoe who is content with not developing their career.
  • Seek opportunities to attend seminars and classes, enroll in course work, read relevant books, and journal articles, and do not expect your employer to pay for everything.

Before you say, “I don’t have the money to do those things,” look outside and see what rolling stock you have i.e., four-wheel drive vehicles, an RV, boat, etc. I am not against those things, but I will call anyone out who has those items, spends money on cruises and theme parks, and then turns around and tells me they cannot afford to invest in their career. Do not be that person and rise above the average employee.

Fire Officer Leadership Academy
