Dual Footprints, Part 7 – Commitment to Accountability


The final commitment to becoming a world class mentor is accountability, which is defined as, “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.”1

This stems from the inner character of the individual and their integrity. People with integrity demonstrate responsibility, they are accountable for their actions, and they are dependable.


Accepting responsibility for our behavior and actions is a mark of maturity. If you did not complete an action step developed with your mentor, then have the character to state the reason, accept responsibility for inaction, and don’t blame it on the full moon. Incidentally, do not make excuses, as that is nothing more than the skin of reason stuffed with a lie.


Can the mentor count on you to be on time, be transparent, slay your ego, listen, and demonstrate a willingness to grow and develop? These are internal qualities that make up our character.

John C. Maxwell writes, “Leaders without inner strength can’t be counted on day after day because their ability to perform changes constantly.”2 People who fall into this category are like the ocean waves: constantly changing and tossing about.

Dependability is like the Battery Point Lighthouse in Crescent City, California. Mariners count on it being there to safely guide their seafaring journey.

An Astronomical Example

Accountability, responsibility, and dependability are orbiting moons influenced by the gravity of the planet Integrity. If there is no integrity, then there is no gravity, and the moons spin off into space.

What About You?

Where do you fit into all of this? If you’re taking the time to read my blog, then at the minimum you have some interest in personal growth and development, and possibly mentoring someone. But does it end here or are you willing to go farther on your journey?

Through coaching, I can help you improve your skills and abilities so you can become a world class mentor. Contact me at [email protected] and visit my website at www.fireofficerleadershipacademy.com.

1 Accountability Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

2John C. Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, (New York: Harper Collins Leadership, 2022), 72

Fire Officer Leadership Academy
