The photo shows a fire department ladder truck at the scene of a small fire. Notice the size of the two hoses. The larger yellow hose is 5” diameter and supplies the pump with water from the fire hydrant. The small green attack hose is 1¾” diameter and the water flowing through this hose extinguishes the fire.
Water In
This truck has a 250-gallon water tank that is quickly depleted when the attack line is flowing 150 gallons of water per minute. In 90-seconds the tank is dry creating problems. Consequently, it is necessary to attach the 5” hose to the fire hydrant to supply the pump with a continuous water supply.
Water Out
When the nozzle on the attack line is open, the concept of water in and water out is at work. When the nozzle is closed, then the water coming into the pump is not going anywhere. When the driver/operator (D/O) opens the tank fill valve, the hydrant water begins to fill the tank. If the D/O does not pay attention, then the water overflows, spills onto the ground, and is not doing any good.
Do You Practice Water In, Water Out?
Let’s compare water to personal growth, training, and education. Of those three elements, what, when, and how often do you take them in?
Sadly enough, there are people who have not taken any action towards personal growth in years and their tank is dry. There are others who have worked at personal development, but the water is not flowing out, and their tank water is stagnant.
Fortunately, there are people who practice water in and water out. These are the individuals who take the time to influence and mentor those around them. The author John C. Maxwell says, “Be a river not a reservoir.”
What about you? Is your tank dry, is the water stagnant and not flowing, or are you practicing the concept of water in and water out?
Please tune in to Firehouse Talks with Jersey Rick: Igniting Leadership Excellence. My daughter and I cohost this podcast, and we talk about anything and everything related to leadership. You do not need to be a firefighter to listen, and we strive to keep the podcast to thirty-minutes. You can find us on Apple, Spotify, and iHeart Radio every other Thursday.