Posts Tagged ‘firechief’
There’s a Headless Horseman in the Department!
Do you have a Headless Horseman of the Sleepy Hollow Fire Department in your organization? The organizational monster Although Halloween has passed for 2023, there are many Headless Horsemen (and women) roaming through the fire departments of the world. We can also include other organizations such as business, non-profits, and various government entities (elected, appointed,…
Read MoreKnowing Your Team Builds Esprit de Corps
Esprit de Corps is a French term meaning “spirit of the body”1 or also spirit of the corps. Esprit de Corps is a good measure of unit or organizational morale, camaraderie, teamwork, and cohesiveness. World War II Battle of Midway In 1942, Rear Admiral Raymond A. Spruance assumed command of Task Force 16 prior to…
Read MoreIs Your Personal Development Diluted?
October 13, 2023 The titles of my last two blogs were, “Are You Personally and Professionally Developing?” You may have a plan for development, but is it diluted and weak? The fuel spill Throughout my career as a firefighter, I responded to a wide variety of incidents, including fuel spills ranging from small puddles to…
Read MoreAre You Personally & Professionally Developing, Part 2
October 9, 2023 In Part 1, I opened with a quote and a question from the Denver business coach Gary Barnes when he said, “99% of your current results are on purpose, either subconsciously or consciously.” Gary also asked, “Are you a participant or a spectator?” Incident action planning tools As a battalion chief, I…
Read MoreAre You Personally & Professionally Developing?
October 2, 2023 Part 1 In September, I attended a three-day Breakthrough Business Mastery bootcamp hosted by the Denver business coach Gary Barnes. On the first day he said, “99% of your current results are on purpose, either subconsciously or consciously.” Gary also asked, “Are you a participant or a spectator?” Fourth quarter of 2023…
Read MoreDo You Make Sound & Timely Decisions?
September 25, 2023 Nasty Chemicals In February of this year, a Norfolk Southern train transporting hazardous materials derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, creating a large haz mat event. Responding to and mitigating an incident like this requires constant decision making. Imagine you are responding to a train derailment involving two nasty chemicals: sulfur dioxide (toxic/corrosive…
Read MoreFire Department Officers – Team Building is Not a Mystery
September 18, 2023 Is there a mystery to team building? No. Team building is no more mysterious than a construction project. However, all too often if there is a mystery, it lies in the fact that there is no plan for building the team or if one exists, the plan is not effective. The building…
Read MoreRemember 9/11
September 11, 2023 Patriot Day As I write this blog, I am wearing a t-shirt from the Los Angeles County Fire Museum. On the back side of the shirt at the top are the words “Patriot Day.” In the center is an image of Squad 51 from the NBC television show Emergency! Below the image…
Read MoreDid You Know That Weasels Can Climb Ladders?
September 5, 2023 Did You Know That Weasels Can Climb Ladders? My blog post for August 23rd was titled, Know Your Team & Look Out for Them1 and my blog for August 30th was titled, Are You Reinforcing Bad Behavior and Poor Performance?2 Both articles are related to taking care of the people who work…
Read MoreAre You Reinforcing Bad Behavior and Poor Performance?
August 28, 2023 Are You Reinforcing Bad Behavior and Poor Performance? My blog post for August 23, 2023, was Know Your Team and Look Out for Them.1 I addressed the fact that familiarity of your team members increases the: I also wrote about the advantages of knowing your team, which are: Supervisory fear As a…
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