Who Are You Imprinting, Following, and Impacting?

The photo shows our dog Java. She is a fifteen-pound, Toy Australian Shepherd/Rat Terrier mix, and in my opinion one of the smartest dogs walking around on four legs. When Java first became a part of our family, she would shy away from me. But over time, by picking her up, holding and petting her,…

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How Do You Create a Leadership Development Plan?

In the January 10th blog, I wrote, “as leaders if we do not have a plan to develop ourselves, then we resemble the steel ball inside a pinball machine. Bouncing off the bumpers and making a lot of noise but showing little progress for the effort.” How do you create a leadership development plan that…

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Do You Have Planning Tools for Personal Development?

In last week’s blog, I encouraged people to start a leadership journal for 2024. I also referred to a leadership development plan. In my book The Furnace of Leadership Development, How to Mold Integrity and Character in Today’s World, I wrote, “In order to develop as leaders, we must map the route and not rely…

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