Do You Serve or Deserve? Part 2

Last week in Part 1, I described a couple of examples using the word deserve. This week we will take a deeper look into the subject. Servanthood depth As a member of the John Maxwell Leadership Team, I heard the CEO Mark Cole deliver a presentation titled Leadership Depth: Going Deeper so You Can Take…

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Do You Serve or Deserve? Part 1

The interview A young man wearing a suit and tie entered the room, introduced himself, and took a seat before an interview panel of which I was participating in. He was seeking a position as a firefighter with our agency and although he had no previous experience, he spoke as if he were a fifteen-year…

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Personal Development is Like Climbing a Ladder

In a career, climbing the ladder often refers to vertical movement through an organizational hierarchy. Are you ascending the ladder of personal development or are you watching someone else go higher while you whittle away time? Are you trying to climb the ladder of development by yourself or are others helping you? The photo shows…

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Who Are You Imprinting, Following, and Impacting? Part 2

In last week’s blog post, I mentioned an online article titled, Why Your Dog Follows You Everywhere, According to Behaviorists by Katelyn Chef. The article described “imprinting,” when “young puppies up to six months of age can imprint on their owners and learn to read social cues as they would their birth mother.”1 Imprinting and…

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Who Are You Imprinting, Following, and Impacting?

The photo shows our dog Java. She is a fifteen-pound, Toy Australian Shepherd/Rat Terrier mix, and in my opinion one of the smartest dogs walking around on four legs. When Java first became a part of our family, she would shy away from me. But over time, by picking her up, holding and petting her,…

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How Do You Create a Leadership Development Plan?

In the January 10th blog, I wrote, “as leaders if we do not have a plan to develop ourselves, then we resemble the steel ball inside a pinball machine. Bouncing off the bumpers and making a lot of noise but showing little progress for the effort.” How do you create a leadership development plan that…

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Do You Have Planning Tools for Personal Development?

In last week’s blog, I encouraged people to start a leadership journal for 2024. I also referred to a leadership development plan. In my book The Furnace of Leadership Development, How to Mold Integrity and Character in Today’s World, I wrote, “In order to develop as leaders, we must map the route and not rely…

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